Join Our Waitlist

We look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Selecting your child’s educational path and who you will surround them with is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. We think of it as enrolling families, not just students, and our goal is to partner with you to help your child become a positive community member and successful student.


2024-2025 Tuition Rates


If you're interested in enrolling your child, we recommend submitting our waitlist application and
fee before your child turns 18 months old and as early as you have a due date for your child's birth.
Click here for the Waitlist Form

Waitlist FAQs

TPCDC enrolls children for all of our programs (except summer camp) from the Center's waitlist.

Can I find out how long the waitlist is before submitting the application and fee?

The length of the waitlist depends on the age of your child and availability in each class, but most children wait one-two years before being offered enrollment. Unfortunately, some children are never offered enrollment. We can have as many as 200 children on the Center-wide waitlist, from not-yet-born to school-age children.

You are welcome to call the Center and ask to speak to the Director before placing your child's name on the waitlist to get a sense of where your child's waitlist placement would be.

How much is the application fee?
There is a $100 application fee per family, not per child, to join the Center's waitlist. If your family is eligible to apply for (or already receives) an income-based state scholarship, we will waive the application fee for you. If you are not applying for a scholarship, but the $100 fee is a challenge, please let us know, and we can adjust the fee to something more manageable for your family. Payment may be made by check, cash, or money order. We do not accept credit cards.

When can I add my child's name to the waitlist?
You are welcome to add your child’s name to the waitlist before they are born or adopted. Children must have an expected birthdate to be placed on the waitlist.

If offered enrollment, how much notice will we be given?
TPCDC has two types of enrollment: planned enrollments/expansions of existing classes (Teddy Bears Fall, Teddy Bears Spring, Munchkins Spring, Rainbows Fall) and enrollments to fill openings created by children withdrawing from the program, which can happen at any point throughout the year. For planned enrollments/expansions, we strive to give 3-8 months' notice. For unplanned openings, we will give 30 days' notice.

Who has priority for enrollment?
Siblings of children currently enrolled and children and grandchildren of staff have first priority.

When during the year can new children join the Center?

We have two peak times for enrollment for younger children:

  • At the beginning of the school year (TPCDC shares the first day of school with MCPS, usually the last week of August), and
  • A class group size expansion that generally occurs between January-May, depending on the birthdays of current children.

After children enter the Rainbows and Explorers classrooms (3-5 year old rooms), those cohorts are at their maximum size, so only when someone leaves do we have availability, which is seldom and unpredictable.

Can I pay to hold a spot for my child if they are not old enough for the offered opening?

Families may not pay to hold spots in the fall Teddy Bears classroom for children who are not yet 18 months of age on the first day of school. A two-week grace period will be allowed. Families may pay up to 2 months of tuition to hold a spot for a child too young to take a spot in the Teddy Bears spring expansion, the Munchkins spring expansion, or unplanned openings that develop between or after those time periods. 

Do I need to call to check in? Can I find out where I am on the list?

You are welcome to call or email the director to ask for your child’s position on the waitlist, but it is not necessary. Please keep in mind:
● Until we are actively working on enrollment, we won’t be able to anticipate how many of the children ahead of your child are still interested or willing to enroll.
● Any new siblings will be added to the top of the list, changing your position downward if your child is not a sibling of an enrolled child or not a child/grandchild of staff).
● Any requests for removal by other families will change your position upward.

What happens if I decide not to accept the enrollment opportunity?
When offered enrollment, we will email to ask if you wish to remain on the waitlist or be removed. If you do not respond, you may be moved to the bottom of the waitlist. If you wish to remain on the waitlist, you will stay at the current position on the list and are eligible to be offered enrollment one-two additional times.

Where can we apply for financial aid?
The Maryland State Child Care Scholarship (CCS) (formerly known as Child Care Subsidy) program helps eligible families in Maryland pay for high-quality child care and early education programs. It can take several months to start receiving scholarships, so we recommend applying as early as possible. Visit